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Singaporeans' Attitude towards Mobile Phones

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The topic of our survey is ;Singaporeans; Attitudes towards Mobile Phones.

Nowadays, mobile phones are becoming more and more popular and even irreplaceable. And they are becoming more powerful as well. Then, questions arose: how people think about them? Are mobile phones really important to them? What are the pros and cons of mobile phones? So as to have a clear idea of Singaporeans; attitude towards mobile phones, we conducted this survey.

In order to collect information, we went to several places including shopping centers, MRT stations, and school campuses, etc. Finally, we gathered all the information we need.

Through our hard work, we had several findings: for example, most Singaporeans owned a cell phone (94%), and the fact that most people agree with the using of shortcuts in SMS. From these findings we derived our conclusion that mobile phones are playing important roles in contemporary society, and it will definitely become more powerful in terms of functions and more important to people.

One Chart from Our Research
How Much Time Singaporeans' Use Mobile Phones Everyday


Here are useful links related to our research:

1. The Mobile Phone & Society

The Mobile Phone & Society website provides information on research related to the social consequences of the mobile phones. The mission is to include all publicly available information on studies about the interaction between mobile phones and contemporary society.

2. Talk Safe

This website introduces of health and radiation of mobile phones. Are you and your children at risk? Click on the phone to find out more...

3. The Mobile Operators Association (MOA)

The Mobile Operators Association (MOA) was established in January 2003 to represent the five UK mobile phone network operators (3, O2, Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone) on radio frequency health and town planning issues. It's website, MOA, is the focal point for the network operators on radio frequency health, scientific research and town planning issues associated with the use of mobile phone technology.

4. MobileShop

Willing to know more about mobile phone;s history, present and future? This website will be suitable for you!

5. A mobile phone forum

In this forum, you can know more about mobile phones: you can develop new function for your mobile phone; ask questions about your phones and other applications of the mobile phones.